Themis™️ Biometrics Examination Suite provides tools for comparing probe biometrics against multiple candidates’ biometrics of many modalities including fingerprint, iris, face, and any other modality that can be compared visually. By centralizing multiple modalities into a single workstation, Themis™️ enables customers to reduce the cost of examination tool infrastructure, sustain a common examination environment independent of the matching vendor, and plan for migration to a cloud based biometrics enterprise. Themis™️ is ANSI NIST ITL 2011 compliant and currently offers two add-ons: Case Management and Intelligent Matching Assistant tools.

Workstation Features
Multimodal Examination
Cloud-Ready & Vendor Agnostic
Priority Work Queues
Suite Add-Ons
Case Management
Intelligent Matching Assistant
Multimodal Examination
Themis™️ supports five biometric modalities: fingerprint, iris, face, SMTs (scars, marks and tattoos), and DNA. In the workstation summary view, examiners can see all biometrics for probe and candidate pairs side-by-side. This expedites the visual examination and allows examiners to easily identify data quality issues such as cross-linked identities. Clicking an individual modality allows the examiner to view the image in greater detail and manipulate attributes like orientation, brightness, and contrast.






Cloud-Ready & Vendor Agnostic
Implemented in AWS, Themis™️ is built to run on any public or private cloud and can be deployed on any HTML5 compatible computer or tablet. Perform examinations from any location enabling access to the matching system database. Since Themis™️ is matching vendor agnostic, enterprises are able to change matching vendors, use multiple vendors, or add modalities without disrupting biometrics examination operations or training.

Thin Client

Vendor Matching Agnostic

Prioritized Work Queues
Themis™ queues create a workflow structure for each examiner’s workload and can also be leveraged to set a decision strategy (ex: Double Blind or Reduced Adjudication) for verifying examiner decisions before coming to a final decision. Decision strategies are a customizable feature of Themis™, intended to be tailored to meet each customer’s needs. Work queues themselves can be amended and restricted to qualified personnel.

Decision Strategy

Restricted Work Queues

Customizable Features
The Adjudication Report provides an interface for finding search reviews that caused adjudication between a date range and generates a PDF report detailing the decisions that occurred during review. The Search Review Summary Report provides an interface for finding a single search review, previewing it, and ultimately generating a report of the search review including the selected data points specified during report filtering.
The Case Management add-on allows users to build custom reports from the data points that are captured during the case work performance.


Search Review Summary

Custom Reporting
(add-on utility)
More Information
For more information about Themis™️ Biometrics Examination Suite, please submit the contact form below or send an email to A product brochure is also available for your reference: Download PDF.