With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Athena provides high-quality consulting services in Computing Technology Research and Development and Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V). Our current and past consulting clients include DoD, DOE, NASA, Leidos, Northrup Grumman, and IEEE.
Technology Research and Development
Technology Benchmarking and Roadmaps (Energy, Defense, Aerospace)
- AI-based Control
- Modeling, Simulation, and Prognostics
- Automated Testing
- Cyber Security
- Biometrics
- Power Grid Management and Control
Standards Development (IEEE, DoD)
Technology Development
- Net-centric Embedded Computing Sim/Test Environments
- AI-based Biometric Matching Technology
- Mobile Device Optical Character Recognition from Video Streams
Independent Verification & Validation
Athena founder, Dan McCaugherty, served as contractor Chief Engineer for 180 FTE performing software IV&V across NASA enterprises/centers. He developed software IV&V methods and solutions unique to cyber-physical systems as well as enterprise data systems resulting in the capture of over $300M in IV&V contracts in support of the DHS, DoD, NASA, and NIH.
Full Life Cycle Software IV&V
- Requirements and Design Analysis
- Software and Implementation Analysis
- Information Assurance Analysis
- Test Coverage Analysis and Independent Testing
Test Automation Frameworks & Simulation-Based Testbeds
- Manned Space Systems
- Unmanned Space Systems
- Command and Control Systems
- Enterprise Data Systems