NEW! CivilWare™️ Version 12.0
CivilWare™️ Version 12 is now available for purchase and download.
✓ Compliant: Child support rates effective June 9, 2023.
✓ Value: Available at 1/3 the price of competing products.
✓ More Tools: Provides property equitable distribution and arrearage calculations not offered by competitors.
With over 25 years of supporting West Virginia Family Law practitioners, we are confident that CivilWare Version 12.0 will meet your needs. The software features the new WV child support calculations that go into effect June 9, user-controlled license management, enhanced data management tools, and a technology update.
It’s simply our best product yet! However, if you are unsatisfied, we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee.
Why CivilWare?
Trusted since 1997, LawTech’s CivilWare software suite has simplified calculations and reporting relevant to divorce, child support, and property distribution. CivilWare automatically prepares reports and exhibits accepted by the courts, manages client data for later retrieval, and allows for quick analysis of variations to divorce settlements.