Fairmont, WV – Athena Sciences Corporation is pleased to announce the release of Themis™, a cloud-ready multi-modal biometrics examination workstation. The Themis™ Biometrics Examination Workstation presents ANSI NIST ITL biometrics images to any HTML5 compliant examiner device or workstation, manages examination queues, and provides image analysis tools to assist in adjudication. According to Athena CEO, Dan McCaugherty, “The Themis™ Biometrics Examination Workstation enables customers to reduce the cost of examination tool infrastructure, sustain a common examination environment independent of the matching vendor, and plan for migration to a cloud based biometrics enterprise.” For more information on Themis™, go to athenasciences.com/themis.
Athena will debut the Themis™ Biometrics Examination Workstation at the Global Identity Summit on September 19 in Tampa, Florida.